Graham Oaks is the newest natural area purchased and restored by Metro using funds from two voter-approved bond measures. The park facilities utilize many sustainable materials and practices and look very similar to the facilities at some of Metro's other parks, like Cooper Mountain in Beaverton, and Mount Talbert in Clackamas. Lots of great interpretive signs as well as nature-themed art installations enrich the outdoor experience.
One of the first signs you'll see as you approach the park's Gateway Plaza will be of particular interest to all the dog owners out there. Because of the sensitive habitats and ongoing restoration, canine friends are only allowed limited access - if any - to all of Metro's nature parks. Dogs are allowed on the central, paved trail at Graham Oaks, but to fully enjoy this park and all it has to offer, you'll probably want to leave your four-legged buddy at home.
You can read all about the park's features, history, and other specific information on Metro's website, but right now, come along as I retrace my first exploration of the park through the photos below.
Entrance to Gateway Plaza |
Pacific Madrone near Gateway Plaza |
Watch for details like these "animal tracks" in the cement walkway. |
Arriving at Gateway Plaza, you find yourself surrounded by a trellis made from sustainably harvested wood, highlighted by recycled metal artwork.
The many informative signs here tell all about the park's history, the effort to restore the land to a natural state, and the wildlife that's expected to benefit.
From Gateway Plaza, the paved trail leads to Acorn Plaza, which boasts one very large acorn.
Mount Hood and the Elder Oak |
From most of the open area in the park, you can see the park's crown jewel - the Elder Oak. Estimated to be between 150 and 200 years old, the tree is surrounded by a low fence to protect the soil and roots. Benches provide a great spot to take a break, and listen to the quiet wisdom the Elder has to offer.
The route I took lead me into the conifer forest before circling around to the ancient oak. This is the Legacy Creek Trail as it enters the woods.
Legacy Creek overlook |
Legacy Creek is one of 5 creeks that run through (or from) the property. In the 1950's there was an effort to drain the wetlands on the site, by installing a pipe to divert the water. The restoration has restored some of the natural flow and once again expanded the wetland.
Judging from how lush the understory is in this section of forest, you
would think that the area had been spared the invasion of English ivy by
which so many of our parks are threatened. It turns out that this
forest was in fact once choked by that fiendish plant,
but a six-year effort by volunteers has really paid off. I haven't
seen a more complete recovery anywhere in the Portland area. The forest
floor is thick with native plants like sword fern, Oregon grape, Indian
Plum and many others.
Coming up in Part 2 of this post, we get back out in the open savanna to see a few birds - including a raptor. Also, a wetland bird blind that will do more to help the fledgling bird enthusiast than just hiding them from the birds. Be sure to read on for that and more!